Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Revisiting and Reviving

Well, hello again!

It's been a while. I reactivated my Facebook (long story) and then just let this blog go. Partly because it would have been redundant of Facebook and partly because there's little point in keeping a public blog if no one is reading it. But after reviewing my handful of entries, I feel like I had (and have) enough to say that even a passing reader might appreciate the words. I sat down to write a blog-resuscitating entry but thought "What do I write about?" At that point I realized that in order to give this blog new life I need to define a reason for having it at all.

While consulting the previous entries to find a common thread, I had a meta moment and found that looking for that common thread is exactly what most of my writing tries to do and is, in fact, what I am most interested in. This blog is about pattern recognition. Whether we're exploiting patterns, defying patterns, or even just identifying them, I think that being sensitive to recurring qualities in anything is the foundation for any kind of analytical skill. My entries are my means of practicing that. I share them in hopes of inspiring or, if not, amusing -- even if the only person inspired and amused is me after a long departure from the blog.

So, assuming I can manage some sort of regularity in posting, I will see you all soon. ♥


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