Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Friend Project (update)

I've been getting carried away with the verbiage lately. Short post this week, I promise. (But don't expect such mercy next week.)

The Craigslist Friend Project has had a tiring consequence. Each meeting seems to require that I spend more time on administrative tasks like responding to emails, coordinating schedules, making plans, and commuting than actually being around anyone. The process is not allowing me the volume of exposure I need to feel like I'm honing any social skills. Constant reflection and analysis have made me significantly more aware of what's happening when I do get to meet with someone, but this is like trying to become a better guitarist by rationalizing and researching guitar music while rarely ever touching the instrument (also something I do, incidentally).

I have my seventh meeting on Monday, then I have to decide if I want to keep this project going or not. The zugzwang is between meeting new people in an exhausting and inefficient way and not meeting people at all. Though honestly, I'll happily give up social improvement if it means I get to focus on more fruitful activities like writing music and posting blog entries. Next month I'll be moving into a house with a handful of well-tuned social beings and this imminent immersion therapy is probably a better means to the same end anyway. (Does that sound too defeatist?)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your new house will take the place of the Friend Project. My guess is your roomies will constantly provide you with opportunities to be social. Shoot, that's how I do it. I never try to make new friends, I just have old friends that introduce me to new people all the time. And then you can focus on more introverted projects like you mentioned.
    I have to say you're not sparing anyone with short posts. At the end of all your posts I'm like "aw dang it, it's over." If anything, make 'em longer!
