Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Nothing grand this week. I'll still probably post something every week, but the things I want to write about most are necessarily big topics. I enjoy writing these entries but I'd rather spread the big ones out over two weeks for a couple reasons:
  • Bigger entries take a lot of time. A lot. I know I certainly that won't be able to do this during school. For now, it's totally manageable work for a week's time, but...
  • I'm sad. A lot. It's hard to convey how impossible even tiny tasks seem when you're sad. Sometimes it's hard to convince even myself that anything could feel as challenging to me as it did the day before. I just have to take my word for it.
It might actually be beneficial to have a more erratic posting schedule to better take advantage of the times that I'm both available and motivated. Point being, I would like to post as frequently as I can about things that are important to me (and hopefully you), but please don't be disappointed if sometimes I'm unable to produce the time and energy required to do so. I will see again you soon.



  1. Could we have a preview of some topics you hope to cover?

  2. Maybe... I've actually had an entry drafted for a while, but the only internet I'm going to have for a few weeks is through my phone, so posting anything longer than a sentence or two anywhere on the Internet is not currently practical.
